Power law decay at criticality for the q-state antiferromagnetic Potts model on regular trees. (with Wei Wu and Kuan Yang)
Electron. J. Probab. 30, 1-25 (January 2025).
A growth-fragmentation-isolation process on random recursive trees and contact tracing. (with Vincent Bansaye and Linglong Yuan)
Ann. Appl. Probab. 33 (6B), 5233-5278 (December 2023).
Decay of semigroup for an infinite interacting particle system on continuum configuration spaces. [arXiv]
Mathematical recommendations to fight against COVID-19. (with Wei Jiang, Tianyuan Zhao, Ban Zheng)
Quantitative homogenization of the parabolic and elliptic Green's functions on percolation clusters. (with Paul Dario)
Ann. Probab. 49 (2), 556-636 (March 2021).
An efficient algorithm for solving elliptic problems on percolation clusters. Ann. Appl. Probab. 32 (4), 2755-2810 (August 2022).
Forbidden transactions and black markets. (with Qingyun Wu and Alvin E. Roth)
Math. Oper. Res. 47 (4), 3084-3109 (November 2022).
Uniform estimate of an iterative method for elliptic problems with rapidly oscillating coefficients. Stoch PDE: Anal Comp. 8, 787-818 (December 2020).
Project on random recursive lamination on disk supervised by Igor Kortchemski (January 2017). [pdf]
Teamwork project ("Projet Scientifique Collectif") on graph expander with Mathilde de la Morinerie, Chloe Papin, Oussama Hanguir, Manh Tien Nguyen, Van Huy Vo and supervised by Charles Favre (May 2016). [pdf]
Quantitative homogenization of interacting particle systems II: hydrodynamic limit of non-gradient exclusion process.
Smoothness of the diffusion coefficients for particle systems in continuous space.